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Benefits of investing in cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency, News

Benefits of investing in cryptocurrency

Advantages of Crypto-Currency With its advent in the global market, cryptocurrency has revolutionized the universal payment system. It is now deemed much more than just a financial instrument, it is considered a ‘technology’ now. There is no doubt about the fact that the govt. authorities…

top 10 cryptocurrency 2021
News, Tech

Top 10 popular cryptocurrencies of 2021

Most Popular Top -10 Cryptocurrencies of 2021 The more we read about cryptocurrencies, the more we feel convinced that these currencies are here to stay in the longer run. People have been muddled by continuously hearing the pros and cons of cryptocurrency, but the picture…

What is blockchain
Cryptocurrency, digital, News

What is blockchain technology and how does it work?

Introduction of blockchain technology. Today’s era has undoubtedly established itself as ‘tech-savvy’ and as a proponent of technology. Doesn’t matter where we go or what we do, we are always connected to the technology and by the technology. No wonders, technology has birthed miracles into human…

what is difi
News, Tech

What is DeFi? know What Do You Need To Know

What is DeFi? Decentralized financing or DeFi (DEE-f-EYE) as it is commonly called in the world today is also known as ‘open finance’. This is a new technology in the field of financial services which is backed up by blockchain technology. It is a global…

What Is the Stock Market
News, Tech

Stock Market: What Is the Stock Market and How Does It Work?

Economic Factors That Can Impact the Stock Market The stock market is an incredibly unpredictable market, at the most unexpected times it becomes volatile and vice versa. Although it is hard to perfectly time the execution of strategies, this unpredictability is also what makes the…

What and Why of Digital Marketing
digital, News

What and Why of Digital Marketing

Since the number of people who use the online platform every single minute are increasing rapidly, there has been a radical shift in the way-‘people shop’, thus in correspondence to this change, the big and/or small business houses have shown an equal radical shift in…

Ways to Reduce Risk in Trading
Cryptocurrency, News

Ways to Reduce Risk in Trading

In recent years, the world’s fascination with trading has grown exponentially. Whether be it- Forex, Stocks, Commodities or Cryptocurrencies; trading markets have drawn the interest and attention of everyone .alike. Some treat trading as short term activity while others view it as a long term…