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Blockchain Technology handle the security issues
News, Tech

How does Blockchain Technology handle the security issues today?

How does Blockchain Technology handle the security issues today? Since its inception in 2009, Blockchain technology has proven to be nothing less than revolutionary to the world. Many narrow down this tech to the world of cryptocurrency only but this is a misconception. Cryptocurrencies indeed…

Understanding secondary

Understanding secondary offerings Overview

Secondary Offerings are a way for companies to raise capital by a sale of new or closely held shares. This second offering comes after an initial public offering (IPO) has been already made yet for various reasons, the company wanted to raise more capital. Type…

What is cryptocurrency ?
Cryptocurrency, News

What is cryptocurrency ? everything you need to know

What is Cryptocurrency ? “ Cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange wherein individual coin ownership records are stored in a ledger existing in a form of computerized database using strong cryptography to secure transaction records, to control the creation of additional coins, and to verify the transfer of coin ownership.”…

Cryptocurrency The Future of MONEY
Cryptocurrency, News

Cryptocurrency the future of money

The Future of Cryptocurrency Cryptocurrencies, which have been around for a little over a decade now, are changing the landscape of transactions, and in turn, value. Simply speaking, a cryptocurrency is an encrypted and decentralized digital currency. Created after the economic crisis of 2008 as…