digital, News

What and Why of Digital Marketing

What and Why of Digital Marketing

Since the number of people who use the online platform every single minute are increasing rapidly, there has been a radical shift in the way-‘people shop’, thus in correspondence to this change, the big and/or small business houses have shown an equal radical shift in – ‘the providers response’. Online shopping is on the go and so should be online marketing. After the outbreak of the pandemic- COVID-19, there has been a spending spree in the online business (especially shopping). To address such a change, new alternatives of promoting one’s business must well thought out.

Thus digital marketing, in sense, means the use of all the online media/sources that is present out there, to promote one’s business, products and services. It brings benefit for not only the organizations who can grow by leaps and bounds but also the customers who can simply get whatever they want with a single click on their mouse.

It is known by many names, internet marketing, online marketing etc.; marketing in general has become rather conversation oriented, which increases the trust between the consumers and the providers. The various platforms used during the online marketing are-

Why Digital Marketing?

We can’t stress the fact enough, how vital the digital marketing has become in today’s age for the growth and development of your business. It has become one of the biggest mediums to network with likeminded people. It is like- every other business (if not each and every one) is promoting itself on the digital platform or has some sort of social media presence, which helps them to get noticed and hence customers get attracted to them.

Online platforms have become one the major instruments for the customers to collect and learn information about a particular brand. Doesn’t matter if we deny, but the fact is, the number of views, likes and shares do matter. We have discussed the why’s of Digital Marketing here-

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